Methods and Devices for Energy-assisted Enhancement of the Bio-molecular Interactions

Biomolecules demonstrate specific properties for distribution and channeling of different forms of energy within a molecule and across molecules exploring variety of quantum- and energy tunneling effects that define the unique and extraordinary properties of the biomolecules. Interacting with the biomolecules by exposing them to specific conditions and forms of external energy sources was found to result in surprising and highly beneficiary properties with a desirable impact in laboratory- and industrial applications.   
EnerJAZZYTM Technology includes methods and devices (patent pending) for enhancement of the chemical- and bio-molecular interactions, reactions and processes via wave irradiation of specific forms, intensity and conditions within a broad range of parameters resulting in incredible original and efficient practical modification of bio-molecular properties, functions and processes due to the controlled energy exposure from external sources.  

 Technological Advances:

· Enhanced annealing and structural interactions between the nucleic acids (RNA and/or DNA, oligonucleotides, modified nucleic acids, derivatives and synthetic analogs).
· Improved interactions and functions of enzymes, enzymatic conditions and processes. High-impact enhancement of nucleic-acid synthesis reactions due to energy-assisted enzymatic performance and structural  modification of the nucleic acids.
· Structural and conformational modification of nucleic acids leading to the enhancement of nucleic-acid–protein interactions aiding gene investigation studies with high impact on single-cells gene libraries preparations, laser micro-dissection (LMD), gene-microarrays and gene-detection devices.
· Highly improved functions of microfluidic devices, sensors and reactions.

Areas of Application:
· Annealing and hybridization reactions with nucleic acid and their analogs: reverse-transcription, amplification, libraries preparation, detection, molecular profiling, microarray-based techniques.
· Nanotechnology based assembling of properties: enhancing molecular cooperation and assembling of nano-layers, nano-devices, nano-motors and more.
· Enzymatic and immunological reactions, processes, sensors and devices: enhancing molecular cooperation and assembling reactions assisted by proteins and other biomolecules, and their substrates.
· Microfluidic devices, sensors, reactions and processes: enhancement and improvement of microfluidics devices, processes, and reactions.
· Laser- and light-assisted devices, sensors, reactions and processes.
· Telecommunication and electronics devices, sensors and processes.

Test-experiments Examples:

RT Reaction Conditions Test (High-def)

Human Kidney - Gene Expression Part_1 (higth-def)

Human Kidney - Gene Expression Part_2 (higth-def)


Regon Technologies
RepelPerfection Technology
NanoFix Technology
EnerJazzy Technology
GeneENCODE Technology
Regon Co, Pharmaceuticals